It’s been scientifically proven over and over again that spending time in nature has endless mental and physical health benefits. John Muir said, ““In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” Don’t underestimate the power of a walk in the woods.
Here are a few reasons why hiking is good for your overall health.

Gives Happy Vibes

Research has shown that just a 50-minute walk in nature can improve your mood, decrease your anxiety and even improve your memory. While, a new study suggests that a 90- minute stroll through a green space can lead to significant changes in the brain, and may help battle depression. Its a great opportunity to unplug from our busy lives and allowing us to connect with nature and ourselves.

Helps You Stay Fit

Depending on the level of incline and weight carried, just one hour of hiking can burn well over 500 calories. One thing that hiking does that a treadmill cant — is forces you to walk. If you spend an hour hiking away from your car, you’ll have to spend another hour hiking back to your car.

Another benefit, trails are often softer than asphalt or pavement. This means you’re engaging your body in an exercise that is easier on your joints. You’ll appreciate that later.

Inspires Creativity

Drop the caffeine and start looking for the closest trail. Research shows that spending time in nature increases creative problem-solving skills and attention spans by as much as 50 percent.  While this may largely be the result of unplugging from technology for a bit – the addition of nature and physical activity are also large contributors to your expected creativity boost.

Renews Your Sense of Independence

Hiking renews your sense of independence and control. While  hiking you are constantly making decisions and following your curiosity. Those vital skills are often left untapped at work and within the routine of our daily lives. Hiking has the ability to reignite or create the adventurer that lies within you.